
Welcome to my blog. I write about life as a Christian wife, mother of eight children, and grandmother.


Homeschooling in Missouri: Logging Educational Hours

Homeschooling in Missouri: Logging Educational Hours

If you're like this homeschool mom, you're wondering just how summer slipped by so quickly.  I really need to crack down the next couple weeks and to get ready for the new year.

First thing to do every school year is compile a list of subjects and texts for each student. I have used the Course of Study form on Donna Young's website for years. (Thanks Donna for the amazing resources you offer free!)  Compiling this document gives me a chance to do a last minute check on everyone's books and supplies, and also makes a great first page for the Missouri required portfolio of student work.

Another important requirement to fulfill Missouri's homeschool law is logging educational hours.  I've created my own log sheet for this purpose.  Download PDF here.

As a side note, I find many homeschool moms assume the Missouri law requires 400 non-core hours.  Read carefully. It states "at least 600 hours must be in the five required core subjects."  From my understanding, a 700 core - 300 noncore hour split (or other versions with at least 600 core hours) works as well. Thirty-six weeks of school (five days a week) logging six hours a day will give you the required 1,000 hours.

Hope these forms are helpful as you prepare for the first day of school!

Feeding the Five Men - August 2012

Feeding the Five Men - August 2012

The Packing Starts

The Packing Starts