
Welcome to my blog. I write about life as a Christian wife, mother of eight children, and grandmother.


Quick! Play A Game and Model Some AAC!

Quick! Play A Game and Model Some AAC!

We’ve played Nathaniel’s new Christmas game, Sink N’Sand, at least once a day since he received it. The game is face-paced, has an unpredictable outcome each time we play, and provides many opportunities for both language use and hand strengthening.

The game incorporates kinetic sand as a quicksand base for small figures. We’ve had kinetic sand around our house off and on for a couple years; adults and children love the stuff. It provides a fun tactile experience without being too messy. I don’t know if it is Nathaniel’s smiles when my figurine falls through the sand and he wins or that as a child I always thought quicksand would be more of an issue in my adult life than its turned out to be, but this game is quite fun for parents too.

We have started to share some game strategy with Nathaniel and encouraged him to look for the chance to remove a stick from under his opponent’s figurine rather than from under his own. The game is simple and very fun, but there are numerous educational aspects that can be touched on in the short ten minute game length.

Game set up can take almost as long as playing, which isn’t a bad thing considering all the hand strength opportunities the set up provides. Various colored sticks are inserted in the plastic frame to create a floor for the sand and little figurines. Nathaniel has been doing the set up independently, which frees me to model on his AAC device. The sticks layer on top of each other, so I’ve focused on modeling prepositions like ABOVE, BELOW, UNDER, OVER, BESIDE, and ON. After inserting all the sticks, players have to press the sand into the mold, invert it over the sticks, and place their figurines.
Some phrases I’ve modeled during set up include:
some go over/under
that goes over/under
where does it go over or under?
put it above/below
can that go in above/below this stick?
next stick goes above/below
put it beside this one

A turn of play involves rolling a dice and pulling out the colored sticks indicated by the die. The object of the game is to have your figurine be the last one standing; something not always predictable given the unique characteristics of kinetic sand. Since the sand moves over the course of the game as the stick floor changes, there is opportunity to model ING verb endings too.. Some phrases I’ve modeled during game play include:
pull the (color) one out
which one will you get
where is the sand going
the sand is falling
my guy is falling
it is collapsing
the floor is breaking up

All the typical game phrases and language can be modeled during this game too:
Your turn now.
You can go first.
I go next.
Who’s turn is it?
Wait! I am not done!

It seems in our house that Sink N’Sand is going to have the same endless appeal that Don’t Step In It did in 2018. I think every visitor for the last few years has played that favorite. It will be interesting to see which one of these games Nathaniel pulls out the next time his older siblings or his nieces and nephew come over.

Did you get a new favorite game recently? Share the name in comments! We are always looking for new ones.

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